DA-400 Series Contour Probes®
The DA-400 Contour Probe is a portable, self-contained instrument designed to produce a magnetic field on or within ferro-magnetic materials.
The selective AC and pulsed DC functions are built into a single reliable instrument. The AC mode produces an intense AC field for detection of surface defects and demagnetizing after inspection. The DC mode produces an intense pulsed DC field for detection of some subsurface defects.
Controls and solid-state electronics are contained within the high impact molded housing. Articulating legs allow the AC or DC field to be applied to the precise area of inspection on nearly any part of the surface shape... in the lab, factory or field site.
All Parker Contour Probes comply with the requirements of applicable specifications. Certified for European CE requirements.
DA-400s Series Contour Probes®SPECIFICATIONS
DA400S磁粉探伤仪 DA400S磁粉探伤仪 DA400S磁粉探伤仪 .
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